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Wondering if You Should Include Outplacement Assistance or Services in Your Severance Packages? 3 Things to Consider

ICC August 8, 2022 0 Comments

By: Jill Thompson

Are you wondering if it is worth it to include outplacement services in your severance package? The quick answer is always YES. Ultimately, you want to set your separating employee up for success and take out as much stress as possible. There is no easier way to do that than to include outplacement assistance in your severance package. But there are also compelling business reasons to include outplacement assistance and make it part of your severance policy best practices.

Employers should offer outplacement services for the same reason they offer severance packages: outplacement services help preserve workforce morale, protects the employer’s reputation, and mitigates legal risk.

There are compelling business reasons to include outplacement assistance and make it part of your severance policy best practices.

Let’s talk more about those 3 things:

  • Workforce morale will be preserved, and survivor’s guilt lessened when the retained employees know that outplacement services were During a reduction in force, there is often anxiety and concern for friends and coworkers that have lost their jobs, and sometimes, the worry that they might be next. Outplacement benefits are a clear signal that the organization recognizes the stressful situation and demonstrates that you care and are willing to help even as people exit from the organization.
  • Protecting your employer’s reputation has never been more important. Your external messaging is as important as your internal messaging and if left unchecked in today’s connected world, you could turn away future talent by handling this poorly. A quality outplacement provider partners your separating employee with an experienced career transition coach who will help them navigate the ever-changing job market. Without outplacement services, former employees may be more likely to suffer long-term unemployment and if they can’t move forward, they are likely to look back and blame their former employer.
  • Mitigating legal risk is also something to consider. An employee who is actively engaged in finding a new job is already focusing on their future and is much more likely to put aside past grievances and sign separation agreements. Outplacement assistance helps the separating employees move on faster and put the past behind them.

An employee who is actively engaged in finding a new job is already focusing on their future and is much more likely to put aside past grievances and sign separation agreements.

At ICC, we are passionate about providing compassionate outplacement services. Even if this isn’t on your immediate horizon, severance policy best practices and outplacement assistance should not be handled at the last minute. Contact ICC today to get your compassionate outplacement plans in place.
www.InnovateICC.com (855)-865-4400

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