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4 Benefits of Outsourcing Your Leadership Development Programs

ICC October 24, 2022 0 Comments

By: Courtney Beam

With the request for development on the rise, more organizations are looking to implement Leadership Development Programs than in previous years (LinkedIn Learning 2022 Workplace Learning Report). The question then becomes; do you implement with internal resources or look to an external partner? The benefits of outsourcing your leadership development programs are straightforward.

Objective Voice: Outsourcing leadership training programs provide your organization with an objective voice to help uncover blind spots. An effective partner will consider your company’s strategy and culture when implementing a program while providing an outside perspective. This should not remove your voice in the process. A successful program (even outsourced) should still incorporate collaboration between external partners and internal stakeholders to ensure the program includes nuances critical for a successful program.

Access to the Most Current: Leadership development courses developed using internal resources often need to be repeated over time to get the most for your time spent. By outsourcing, you’re able to take advantage of the most innovative and current training year to year. If a new training need is uncovered, you can easily swap out a topic in subsequent programs with an external partner.

An effective partner will consider your company’s strategy and culture when implementing a program while providing an outside perspective.

Faster Turnaround Time: By the time you’ve determined a need and selected the leaders ripe for development, it could be several months of waiting on internal resources to develop a program. If you’re like most business leaders, you need it yesterday! An external partner can have a program off the ground in a fraction of the time.

Access to Diverse Expertise: Outsourcing leadership development provides access to a variety of experienced trainers with different capabilities that you might not otherwise have on your payroll. It’s a misconception that training needs to be delivered by someone who is an expert in your business or industry – in fact, the opposite is often true.

Lower Costs: While a quality program might appear to have a large price tag, it’s often minimal when compared to the cost of payroll for an entire learning and development department. This also allows your organization to free up internal resources for more pressing challenges, shifting the focus, resources, and money to more pressing responsibilities.

By the time you’ve determined a need and selected the leaders ripe for development, it could be several months of waiting on internal resources to develop a program. If you’re like most business leaders, you need it yesterday! 

Have you outsourced a Leadership Development Program recently? What was your experience? We’d love to hear from you in the comments!

Contact ICC today to get your leadership development plans in place.
www.InnovateICC.com (855)-865-4400

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